

Fong dike cake shop map



店舖地址 Address

新北市板橋區中山路一段 158 巷 24 號(新北市政府中山路大門對面巷子底)
No.24, Lane 158, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Banqiao District, New Taipei City 220, Taiwan


怎麼去最方便? How to go?


-搭火車 By Train-
請於板橋車站下車,並自南 1 門至南 3 門出站,或穿越地下一樓連通道前往新北市市民廣場。之後您可沿市民廣場進入新北市政府大樓,並於南大門(中山路側)步出新北市政府,對面的巷子底就是芳堤納克囉!
You can get off at Banqiao station, and go to the New Taipei City Square from Entrance/Exit South-1, 2 and 3 at 1F or through the underpass at B1. Then cross the square, entering the New Taipei City Government Building. After entering the building, exit from south gate, you can find Frontenac in the alley arcoss from the government building!


-搭捷運 By MRT-
請於捷運板橋站下車,並自 3A 出入口進入板橋車站,接著穿越地下一樓連通道前往新北市市民廣場。之後您可沿市民廣場進入新北市政府大樓,並於南大門(中山路側)步出新北市政府,對面的巷子底就是芳堤納克囉!
You can gte off at MRT Banqiao station and exit from gate 3A for entering Banqiao railway station. Then go to the New Taipei City Square through the underpass at B1 of Banqiao railway syation. After that, cross the square, entering the New Taipei City Government Building. Then exit from the south gate, you can find Frontenac in the alley arcoss from the government building!


-搭公車 By Bus-
請於新北市政府站下車,公車站通常位於中山路或是新府路靠中山路側(可參考 Google Map 的圖示)。然後步行至新北市政府南大門前,市政府大樓對面的巷子底就是芳堤納克囉!
You can get off at bus stops named "New Taipei City Government". Most of the stops are placed at/near the Zhongshan Rd. (please refer to Google Map), then walk to the south gate of the government building. And you can find Frontenac in the alley arcoss from the government building!


-自行開車 By Car-
您可於國道三號中和交流道,接台 64 線往板橋/八里方向,於萬板路交流道下來後,左轉迴轉至民生路,至中山路口右轉直行前往新北市政府,並於新北市政府大樓南大門處轉彎進 158 巷。
或於國道三號土城交流道接台 65 線往新莊/五股方向,於縣民大道下交流道,並沿著縣民大道於新府路口右轉,再於中山路口左轉,第一個巷口即為 158 巷,右轉即可抵芳堤納克。
【注意】本店並未備有停車場,且 158 巷內狹窄不易停車,請盡量搭乘大眾運輸工具前來、或停於鄰近之遠東百貨/新北市政府市民廣場停車場內,芳堤納克感謝您。


服務專線 Customer Service

Local: (02) 2962-8860
International: +886-2-2962-8860


營業時間 Opening Hours

週一至週六,上午 10 點至晚上 8 點(週日公休,特殊節日如母親節除外)
10 A.M. to 8 P.M. from Monday to Saturday. We are closed on Sunday and during the Chinese New Year.



  • 敬請使用電話預訂,以便提供您最即時的服務
  • 生日蛋糕請提前 1 ~ 7 天預訂,如遇特殊節日(如母親節、中秋節)或有特殊要求(如造型蛋糕、量大)敬請提早預訂
  • 無法到店取貨時可宅配,運費須自付(貨到付款或匯款)






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